Small to Medium Businesses

Not happy with your current arrangement or wanting to know more?

Get in touch today for a complimentary review of your Insurance Program.

Property, Packages & Business Interruption Insurance

Whether you’re manufacturing it, importing it, cooking it, serving it or retailing it we’ve got you and your business covered against events such as fire, theft, malicious damage, unforeseen weather and the consequential losses that follow.

Professional Indemnity Insurance

If you are in the business of giving advice, then professional indemnity is a must.

Professional Indemnity Insurance can protect you and your business against claims for financial loss, or bodily/personal injury and/or property damage that arise from an act, error or omission in the performance of the professional services covered by the policy.

Cyber Insurance

The world’s fastest growing Insurance Product –  Protect yourself, your business and your customers from the exposures associated with internet based risks.

The most common risk that is insured against is data breaches including notification costs to regulatory bodies & impacted parties. Cyber insurance typically includes indemnification from lawsuits related to data breaches, such as errors and omissions. It also covers losses from network security breaches, theft of intellectual property and loss of privacy.

Everything Else

  • Public & Products Liability
  • Machinery Breakdown
  • Motor Vehicle
  • Workers Compensation
  • Personal Accident & Illness